Monday, March 14, 2011

Progress Reports

Once again it is time to complete our progress reports for Globaloria.  I am encouraging my students to keep up their work and I'm trying to keep up with mine.  We have blogged when blogger would cooperate and with advice from my mentor, Tracy, we have discovered that Firefox doesn't seem to have the trouble that Internet Explorer has with allowing access to the blogger site.  Hopefully, this easy access to the blog will continue!! 

My students have completed the paper prototyping process and are getting ready to film the VLogs.  I am not so sure how this will go - having sophomores is so different from having seniors and juniors as I have had in the past.  They are more timid about attempting new things and need a great deal of encouragement in order to delve into and eventually complete assignments.  They are very intimidated by the idea of "new" experiences and like the routine and familiar ones.  However, I really like the small group I have and they have really come together as a class.  I hate that I have lost one of my students due to expulsion.  Not only because it affects the class, but also because he is such an intelligent young man who has made choices that are affecting his future.  I just hope he realizes it and makes a change for the better! 

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