Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome to Globaloria

Hello to the Fall 2010 Man High School Globaloria students from myself and the Globaloria community.  This year will be one of new and exciting experiences as you become a member of a unique learning community involving students and educators from all over the states of West Virginia and Texas. 

As a member of the Globaloria community, you will be participating in a unique pilot project.  For you, this means your participation and work will be viewed on our very own Globaloria website.  It will be evaluated by your peers both in your school and the other schools involved in the Globaloria project, the Globaloria staff, education leaders across the country, and myself.  This program has involved leaders from our state's government including Governor Manchin and his wife, former Governor Caperton and his wife, and Senator Rockefeller. 

I look forward to our year together creating wikis, blogging, and working with flash to create a game.  I think you will find your learning experience to be a challenging and enjoyable experience!

1 comment:

Mrs. Barker said...

It's great that you are introducing students to the class through your blog. It's essential to develop high expectations to various learning practices and outcomes early on, as they will help students establish deeper understanding of their own learning and enjoy various tools that Globaloria provides for them.