Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Visit from Maitreyi

Yesterday's class 7th period was really nice ... Maitreyi came to visit and helped my students and myself so much!! It was so good to talk to her to get some ideas. I knew that we could do this, but just hadn't taken advantage of it. Now, they'll probably get sick of me. ha! ha! The students seemed a little intimidated, but I think some of that was that I didn't get a chance to tell them we'd have a visitor. They seemed to be more comfortable after Maitreyi began. I really enjoyed having her here.

We are to meet with the videographer and Maitreyi again today. The HSTA 2nd year students with Globaloria are to be interviewed and my students as well. I look forward to our class and hope everything goes well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like things are going much better. Please don't be afraid to ask questions of anyone. I think considering everything that you have had to deal with you are doing great.