Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Working on Getting Everyone "Blogged" and "Wiki'd"

We've made it to the middle of September. My students have created their wiki spaces and are getting started on the blog site. We seem to be moving in slow motion. I have had some family health problems and then I've had to go to workshops and be out of school. So, with me being out of school, it's been hard to keep us on track. However, I think once our licenses are installed and they can actually get into the gaming process that it will go much better.

At this time, I have sent the requested permission slips and a list of my students and their wiki ID's to the Globaloria group.

1 comment:

Lee Kraus said...

Mrs. Ellis,

I think you are doing fine. You can continue to focus on the game design aspect. Thanks for sending in the information.
