Well, I just wanted to leave a quick comment so that I would remember what all we've accomplished so far. I feel really behind compared to other schools due to my absences, but we're plugging along. Today, we've been playing the games to let the students view flash and then analyze what they see and try to get ideas for a game of their own.
I let them choose teams and they seem to be getting excited about their ideas and getting to work together. However, now that we're getting going, they'll be out all next week for homecoming activities. So, hopefully after that we can get back the momentum that just now seems to be building. As a teacher, it can be frustrating at times when so many outside activities and then personal concerns distract from the learning process ... especially when it seems they are finally making some advances.
I will be posting team pictures and setting up team pages in the next couple of days. So, we'll see how that goes.
Things will get better after the school year gets settled down with all the Homecoming activities done.
It will be fine. Kids have a way of surprising you and get things done. Also remember that you are a year long class and many of us are on block. Hang in there with the personal stuff because there is nothing else you can do. Take care and keep us posted.
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