As the end of the school year quickly approaches, I have mixed feelings. there is the relief that another school year is almost finished, but there is also the stress of all the last minute details. As sponsor of various end of the year activities like prom, senior trip, graduation, etc. etc., I am so busy that April and May seem neverending, and yet also as if they fly by because there never seems to be enough time to do all that I would like to do. With the addition of the Globaloria program to my end of the year "to do" list, the time seems to go faster and faster. Now it is crunch time and we are still "chewing" on all the game ideas the students have been working on and completing drawings to use in them.
I have had a great team of students this year and even though we have only spent a semester together, I have really enjoyed the camaraderie and friendships that have evolved over this short period of time. In this type of classroom setting, it seems as a teacher I have gotten to know the students more as individuals rather than as a whole group. Their personalities and interests are expressed so much more in this type of class. This allows me as an educator to get to know the students on a more personal level while still keeping the working aspect of the classroom in progress. I think these students have experienced a wide variety of learning skills including teamwork, collaboration, recognition of the value of organization and persistence, and a professional type of socialization skills not normally experienced in the classroom setting. They enjoyed themselves, but remained focused on their work (well, most of the time!).
The Globaloria classroom is one of constant change . . . students work at their own pace with their goals in mind with just a little prod now and then, they are (for the most part) successful at reaching them.
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