Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 2009

We have been back to school for a week and a half and the students have done some drawing. We have still had trouble getting computer time. I had the program installed on our library computers, but have found that it stops letting installs after so many. We are trying to have a back-up spot to use when the lab is busy and it's very frustrating to have to work around trying to find a place to go. Anyway, we are drawing now and getting into flash some and I hope to get some things uploaded this week. They were out 2 days last week and had a 2 hour delay one day. So, we have been limited. The trouble we seem to be having more than anything is getting their game ideas to a point that they can create something. I can't seem to get them to finalize their ideas. They keep changing things. Any pointers on this? I have given them the rubric for their game too. Also, I found out that I may lose 2 of my students. One is moving back to North Carolina and one keeps talking about quitting and getting his GED. I keep telling him he is not allowed to quit! I need him too much! ha! ha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had my students do storyboards. They had to stetch out their game then use those stetches to start the game. It seems to work well. You could also count those stetches as a test grade which would encourage them to finish it.